Add the Power of Socrates to your learning tools!
Learn with Socrates provides two types of licenses – Platform Licensing and Content Licensing. Learn more about each below.
Content Licensing:
Learn with Socrates has an extensive library of learning content for K-8 students. Content topics include Math, English, Sight Words, Spelling, Science, Math Facts, Financial Literacy, Atomic History and more with many topics available in Spanish and Thai. License to use our content in your online or offline learning tools. Our content includes:
- Over 2,000 learning videos
- Over 1,000,000 questions in a variety of formats such as multiple choice, drag and drop, fill in the blank, and more.
- Thousands of topics linked to common core and other standards
Are you interested in creating custom content? Contact us to learn about our content creation services.

Platform Licensing:
Personalize and gamify your learning content using the Learn with Socrates engine. With Socrates, your learning content will automatically adjust to the needs to each student, opening new topics based on their ability.
Platform license customers can maintain their own learning content and adjust the learning journey settings for their students. Gamification elements can also be customized to include custom card packs, games, and other rewards for the student.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
Choose to interface the learning engine to your application, or create a custom application With Socrates adjusted to your needs. As a recent example, Learn with Socrates was used to create a poker tournament training in partnership with the world leading poker players at Chip Leader Coaching (picture of CLAI poker table).
Choose to interface the learning engine to your application, or create a custom application With Socrates adjusted to your needs. As a recent example, Learn with Socrates was used to create a poker tournament training in partnership with the world leading poker players at Chip Leader Coaching.